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Forgotten Satanspilz...

These are some treasures I found on my favourite fleamarket. One postcard is written on april 23rd, 1940 and I am still trying to read it, but its so hard in this scripture. I fall in love with these two photographs, especially the wedding. All the children are so allegiance looking into the camera, but isn't it cute detecting just this one girl who is looking to the other playing children? 
:D I have to boost the photography sometime...


  1. oooo you found some good ones! what are you going to do with them? i'm still figuring out what to do with my flea market photos.

  2. das foto mit den kindern ist ja herzallerliebst. eine kleine kindergartenhochzeit :)
    die inselbücher sind toll. ich will mir ganz bald das schmetterlingsbuch besorgen. ich bin immer wieder begeistert was ihr so alles auf flohmärkten ersteigert.

  3. yaaay, april 23 is my birthday :) i love vintage stuff too.

  4. da hast du ja wirklich kleine schätze gefunden. liebe solche alten bilder, habe einen ganzen haufen von meiner oma bekommen!! wunderschön!

  5. Wow what an amazing collection you found. I really love the one with the children at the wedding. Guess the little girl wasn't that interested in taking photos :)

  6. Oh, I love the outfits of all the children. And the little boy with the top hat! Such a great find.

  7. Hey girls!
    :) thank you for your lovely comments!!!!!!!!!

    @ SJ, at first i stick them on my wall (the originals). when I find time I wanna boost them in bigger, especially the wedding find. AND I am planning to make a photo album for the forgotten!!! :D What are you going to do with yours?

    @ evasardina, anne, jessica & kristina
    thank you girls!!!! :)

    @ [sen.siˈʝes]
    :) ich hoffe dur hast dein schmetterlingbüchlein bald. falls ich es auf einem trödelmarkt finden sollte, weiß ich ja wer es kriegt :D

    @ aramar
    :D dear aramar, yes, i think she was more interested in the other playing children :D

  8. So schöne Fundstücke! Besonders das Pilze-Buch! Ich liebe Insel-Bücher!

  9. oh, those shrooms are really pretty!
    nice with those see how different the language was etc.
    and the kids, sweet!

  10. maus, biste im urlaub? wirst schon ordentlich vermisst. hoffe dir gehts gut. liebste grüße :)
