Here you find my PORTFOLIO


Into the Wild Part 1

Last year I had the chance to visit a impressive new piece of this world. A more wild, rough 
but beautiful country with the most hospitable and friendly people I ever met. Thailand, 
really the land of the smiles. AND the land of the smell... haha in any way! :D I made a round 
trip as a backpacker starting at Bangkok, down the seaside up to the Islands in the golf 
of Thailand. In these cold days I am slowly missing the warmth and the shafts of sunlight. 
But first Mrs. Spring should pay a visit soon! I'm waiting.


  1. Oh, I how love Thailand. I am shore you had a lovely time. I'm leaving for Bangkok in a week :D

  2. O, this is once again set of beautiful photos of another faraway country that I've never been to.

    Cheerio back! :)

  3. Magdo, robisz świetne zdjęcia. Zazdroszczę takiej wyprawy. Pozdrawiam.

  4. Piękne fotki, wspaniale kolory no i ten ptaszek mnie rozczulił- jakby przechadzajac sie rozmyslal.. :)
