Here you find my PORTFOLIO


The happy easter-birthday marathon! :D

The last "long easter weekend" was full of happenings. Bunnies, great food, music, friends, family, sun & stars – only the moon was missing, 26° C, sitting on balcony until night, baking cupcakes, partying out and inside and celebrating first the "day" of the cutest child on earth and then "my day". In addition I had two very special dear people whose arrive  was a very very lovely suprise for me! You know who you are, thank you!!! I Know this world since 1981 now and hope the years with a THREE ahead will be colorful as a rainbow for you & me :D
Thank you for visiting this blog.


Moments of Joy

Since Mrs. Spring arrived the humor of my and maybe your environment is getting brighter. Much more people are coming outside enjoying the most normal things in the world like taking a walk, eating icecream, riding their bikes, smelling flowers, sitting in the grass and watching the sun. All these things are so much better when there are ears, hearts & minds of humans with who we can share all these pleasures. I'm enjoying it inside and outside as often as I can :D LIVE FAST!  These ones are from the last days, in- and outside :D


I'm longing for...